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S-Card benefits

S-Card benefits: Original Sokos Hotel Koljonvirta

Free cinema ticket in Iisalmi

  • Free cin­ema ticket to movie the­atre in Iisalmi
  • The ben­e­fit ap­plies only when you are stay­ing at our hotel at a price that en­ti­tles you to S-Card ben­e­fits (1 ticket/per stay)
  • You will be pro­vided with a coupon at the re­cep­tion desk dur­ing your check-in.
  • For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, visit: http://​www.​savonkinot.​fi

Gym free of charge with S-Card in Iisalmi

  • Free gym at Keila- ja Li­ikun­takeskus Liike Oy
  • Tick­ets avail­able at the re­cep­tion
  • Ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion from here!