Charging points

Charging points for electric cars in Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki
We have 20 charging points for electric cars in Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki!
Charging points for electric cars are located in P-Paviljonki 2 opposite the entrance.
Entrance to the P-Paviljonki 2 parking area is in address Uno Savolankatu 6. The hotel's main doors are located on the Lutakonaukio, so you access to the reception from the outside.
The plug type for the carging point is Type 2 ja maksimum power is 22 kWh. For using the charging point you need a mobile application " ABC". The payment for the charging has to be paid with this application. The parking fee is 16 €/ night and this can be paid to the hotel.
Our reception is happy to tell you more, if needed.