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S-Card benefits in Kajaani

S-Card benefits at Original Sokos Hotel Valjus

When joining as a member, you will get a basic level S-Card. The card will give you immediate access to the following benefits.

Balance Gym

Free access to Balance Gym as an S-Card benefit. Gym Balance is located in Prisma shopping center about 1 km from our hotel. Contact the hotels reception desk for tickets and more information. The benefit is available during a stay at Original Sokos Hotel Valjus in Kajaani.


Power car wash 9€ with S-Card (17,90€) at Prisma Kajaani. Wash tickets and more info from reception.

S-Card Premium parking benefit

Parking benefit for S-Card Premium members at Original Sokos Hotel Valjus. As a S-Card premium member you will get free parking in Kauppahalli 18 garage. Benefit is available during a stay at Original Sokos Hotel Valjus Kajaani. More information from the reception.

Sulo Food & Wine

Monthly changing S-Card menu, ask more from restaurant.