
Outdoor parking and 80 spaces in the heated garage.
Outside parking
2,1€ / 1h
13€ / 24h
Parking hall (open 24/7)
2,6€ / 1h
22€ / 24h
Parking is paid at the hotel reception or parking machine with a card. Easypark and Parkman users can pay by phone. Please tell your licence plate number to the receptionist and you do not need a parking ticket to your car. By paying for parking in the car / through the app, you can streamline check-in at the hotel through the self-service machine.
Our hotel has a total of 16 electric car charging points. There are 8 electric car charging points in the backyard parking lot on Maaherrankatu and on the P1 level of the parking garage. The user of the charging point must have their own cable for charging. The price of parking is the same hourly or daily charge as in other hotel parking spaces.
For hotel guests, there is a free self-service car wash on the second floor of the parking garage.
As conference guest, you can use our hotel's parking areas free of charge (up to 11 p.m.) during the meeting by providing the registration number of the car to our conference staff or reception.
There are also free parking areas in the immediate vicinity of our hotel. Please contact our hotel reception for more information.