
Transportation to Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi, Kuopio
Transportation to Original Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi, Kuopio
Distance from Kuopio city centre to Kuopio Airport is 17 kilometers. Please check the bus timetables and note that timetables are valid during Monday to Friday.
Railway station
Kuopio Railway Station is located only 700m from our hotel. Travel Center is accessed from the train station through an underground tunnel. Travel center has café and restaurant services, a flower kiosk, a barber shop, and a bank. The travel centre's 500-space parking garage is open daily and 24 hours a day.
Please check the train timetables from here.
To the Kuopio port only 200 m from our hotel. The Kuopio passenger harbour is the busiest port in the Vuoksi watercourse. During summertime you can take popular day cruises to Saaristokaupunki and around Vaajasalo from the harbour, to the Alahovi vineyard and the Rauhalahti camping grounds. There are also regular scheduled services between Kuopio and Savonlinna.
Bus station
Kuopio Bus Station is located only 700 m from our hotel. Travel Center is located in the bus station and provides access to the train station through the underground tunnel.
In addition to the waiting areas for bus passengers, the travel center has café and restaurant services, a flower kiosk, a barber shop, and a bank. The travel centre's 500-space parking garage is open daily and 24 hours a day. Please check the bus timetables from here or here.