
Sauna in Original Sokos Hotel Lappee is like a spa.
Our hotel has highly comfortable saunas. Sauna section has three saunas, two of which act as the hotel's customer saunas and one as a private sauna; a 14-metre pool and a compact gym. Next to the pool there is space where you can kick back and relax. The saunas are available simultaneously for men and women, which means that families can enjoy the sauna at the same time.
Opening times:
Mon - Sun 18–22
Sat - Sun 9–11
Private sauna
The private sauna has very cozy athmosphere, and the comfortably stylished lounge area is suitable also for dining from the sauna's own menu; bookings in advance. The bookable sauna is best-suited for max. 10 persons. You may order sauna packages that includes just the sauna experience or also some snacks or casserole or pizza. Private sauna packages from € 39 - € 51,50 €/person (min. 6 persons) . Read more and book here >>
Private sauna for families with little children under 10 years old, living at Lappee, € 80/ 1 hour. Please contact reception.
More information: sales.lappee@sok.fi