Tuju Taproom

Tuju Taproom and local beer production
Interested in microbreweries?
Lappeenranta-based Panimoyhtiö Tuju has been operating since 2015. Their passion is to maintain craft beer culture and make it accessible to the general public.
Tuju Taproom is located in Rakuunamäki, a twenty-minute walk from the hotel. Rakuunamäki itself is an important attraction in our city. The area was previously used by the Finnish Defence Forces. For a few years now, it has been available to Lappeenranta residents, companies and visitors.
A visit to Taproom offers something special for beer lovers. A relaxed moment tasting top products, admiring a unique setting and enjoying stress-free time is a beer experience at its best. Tuju’s delicious tasting tray is an excellent way to discover Tuju's products and select your own favourite. Then you will know better what delicacies to take with you from the shelf! Tuju Taproom sells products to take with you (up to 12 % ABV) for friends and relatives.
“Our mission is to produce beer manually using traditional techniques, and the end result is original-style beer with
addictively intensive taste and ease that bring the ones who taste them back to Tuju’s beers time after time.”
Our strong recommendation – Tuju rocks!
psst. Original Sokos Hotel Lappee also serves Tuju's top beers in Restaurant VENN, for example.