
Parking in Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Mikkeli
There is pay and display parking available in Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Mikkeli.
Parking prices in Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Mikkeli
1,10€ / hour
13€ / 24 hours
9€ / 24 hours with S-Card loyalty card
Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Mikkeli is located at the Porrassalmenkatu - Vilhonkatu intersection.
K1 - parking area is accessible through Vilhonkatu, K2 - parking area is accessible through Mannerheimintie, which runs at the back of the hotel.
Access to reception via lift.
There are two disabled parking spaces in K1 garage, access via Vilhonkatu.
Parking is free of charge with a disabled badge in the car window.
There are 8 charging stations for electric cars. Four charging stations are in K1 - garage, access via Vilhonkatu. Four charging stations are in K2 - garage, access via Mannerheimintie. You can use the charging stations with ABC - mobile application. Remember to pay for the parking whilst the car is charging.