Green Key

As a Green Key hotel, we act responsibly
As a Green Key hotel, we are committed to responsible actions
Green Key is the world's leading sustainability program and certificate in the tourism industry. The certificate is based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, and its requirements exceed the basic level set by laws and regulations. A company that has received the Green Key certificate is committed to continuously increasing the social and economic benefits of its operations and minimizing its environmental impact. Practical action is taken e.g. in the following fields:
- Conserving energy and water
- Reducing, sorting and recycling waste
- Committing to Aco-labelled detergents, printing paper and soft tissue paper in daily use
- Favouring sustainably produced foodstuffs and reducing food waste
- Increasing the sustainalility know-how among staff, guests and other stakeholders
As a Green Key hotel we are committed to the continuous development of our operations, and we report annually on our activities in the form of a continuation application to demonstrate our development.