
Guests of Original Sokos Hotel Lakeus can find fitness facilities close to the hotel
Guests of Original Sokos Hotel Lakeus can use the facilities of Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna or our partner EasyFit.
Residents of Original Sokos Hotel Lakeus Seinäjoki can use the gym in the neighboring Original Sokos Hotel Vaakuna Seinäjoki free of charge.
Vaakuna's 55-square gym enabling a proper workout routine for both beginners and advanced gym goers. Our residents may use the gym free of charge from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. You may collect the key from their reception.
Feel free to leave greetings and feedback in the guest book!
Alternatively, you may use EasyFit gym facilities. Key can be collected from our reception. Please note that there is a limited number of access keys.