Map and travel details

Map and travel details to Break Sokos Hotel Vuokatti
Driving directions from the south:
When arriving at Break Sokos Hotel Vuokatti from the south, we recommend that you drive through Kajaani.
Drive on Iisalmentie (E63/5) to Kajaani. Take the right lane and exit to Kajaani ring road towards Kuusamo/Joensuu/Sokajärvi. Turn right (E63/5) and drive 1.77 km. Turn right to Varikkotie and follow the signs to Sotkamo. Drive 160 m and turn right to Opintie. Then, drive 180 m and turn right to Sotkamontie (6) from the traffic lights. Drive 26.8 km towards Sotkamo. Turn left to Vuokatintie (76) and drive 6.78 km. From the third traffic lights, turn right to Vuokatinhovintie and continue straight for 350 m. Turn left following the hotel signs and drive 100 m. You are now in front of the hotel.
Driving directions from the west (from Oulu) or from the north (from Kuusamo/ Suomussalmi)
Drive towards Kajaani (from Oulu road 22 and from norht E63/5). Turn left to Kulunnantie (899). Follow the signs to Sotkamo/Vuokatti. Drive 1.2 km, turn to Jormuantie (899) and continue for 9.1 km. Turn left to Pohjanvaarantie (899) and drive 14.04 km. You are now in Vuokatti. Turn right to Kuikkalammentie (8991) following the signs to Vuokatinrinteet. Continue for 800 m and turn left to Vuokatintie (76) from the traffic lights. Drive 1.6 km, turn right to Vuokatinhovintie from the second traffic lights and continue straight for 350 m. Turn left following the hotel signs and drive 100 m. You are now in front of the hotel.
Driving directions from the east (from Kuhmo/Kostamus):
Drive on Kainuuntie (76) following the signs to Sotkamo. When you reach Sotkamo, the distance from the centre to Vuokatti is approximately 7 km. Continue straight on Kainuuntie towards Vuokatti. You will come to traffic lights with a ski jumping hill on your right and a skiing tunnel on your left. Turn left to Vuokatinhovintie and drive roughly 350 m. Turn left following the hotel signs and drive 100 m. You are now in front of the hotel.
Driving directions from the southeast (from Joensuu/Nurmes):
Drive on Kajaanintie (6) towards Sotkamo. Turn right to Nurmestie (899) following the signs to Sotkamo/Vuokatti and continue for 11.42 km. Turn left to Vuokatinhovintie following the hotel signs and continue straight for 1.17 km. Turn right following the hotel signs and drive 100 m. You are now in front of the hotel.