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Green Key and STF

A person walks in nature across a bridge in the middle of the forest.

Green Key and STF

Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa is involved in building sustainable tourism!

A Green Key-certified hotel is committed to increasing environmental awareness among staff and guests, improving energy and water efficiency, and reducing the environmental impact of its operations. Green Key certified companies gain access to the internationally recognized Green Key logo, as well as support for their environmental work and communication.

The Sustainable Travel Finland label is a recognition that can be applied for based on an environmental certification, indicating that the destination meets the criteria established by Visit Finland, which considers economic, ecological, social, and cultural sustainability.

We in Turku, at the Original Sokos Hotel Kupittaa, are honored to be part of the Green Key certified and Sustainable Travel Finland recognized hotels.

Responsibility in our house

Responsibility is a broad concept that could easily be perceived as synonymous with ecological and green choices. However, responsibility is much broader than what the first impression might suggest. It certainly includes environmentally impactful activities such as the consumption of electricity, water, and food, but it equally encompasses social responsibility towards our employees and customers, as well as our responsibility for the impacts of our operations on our environment and the design of our facilities to be as accessible as possible.

At Kupittaa, responsibility has been a core value in all our operations from the beginning. The hotel was completed in 2020, and responsible choices are evident in the design of the building. For example, the public restroom facilities feature Woodio sinks made from wood composite, which can be disposed of by incineration at the end of their life cycle. The decorative tiles around the kitchen door of our restaurant Bistro Elli are handmade, locally produced by Terraviiva in Turku. Since each tile is a unique piece, they were also hand-selected from color variations that match the interior of the venue after the glazing process. We use local MBakery's Turku chocolate for surprising our guests and encourage the use of public transport.

Our operations are guided not only by the S Group's environmental objectives but also by our own development plans, which have been formed by examining our activities and planning for the future. In doing so, we always consider choices through the lens of responsible decisions.

Sokos Hotels has been chosen for the 13th time as Finland’s most responsible hotel chain brand. The measures of our responsibility work are the Green Key certification and the accompanying Sustainable Travel Finland label.

Read more about Green Key

Read more about Sustainable Travel Finland

Read more about responsibility in Sokos Hotels

Our responsibility actions in everyday life

How can you make your visit more sustainable?