
Eskelin parkkihalli €20/night, €18/night for business travellers with the red or black S-Card. Use of the Eskeli car park requires a code. Limited parking places.
Although the hotel is right in the city centre, reaching us by car is easy. You can leave your car in the Eskelin parkkihalli car park at Eskelinkatu 3. The car park is only 80 meters from the hotel. Maximum height: 1.90 m
There is a fee for parking – this is paid on checking out of the hotel. The parking fee is €20/night/car For business travelers with the red or black S-Card, parking costs €18/night/car.
You need a separate code to enter the car park. To make Your arrival and parking even easier, you can get the parking code from here or order the code by calling the hotel's reception on +358 10 786 4000 or emailing seurahuone.turku@sokoshotels.fi. This way, you can drive straight to the car park on arrival.
Eskeli Parking Hall code: 1983
A limited number of spaces in certain levels are reserved for Seurahuone guests in the car park, available on a first-come first-served basis.
There are no charging stations for electric cars in the Car Park Eskeli. If you have an electric car (or a car over 1.90 cm high), you can contact our hotel reception to ask more about parking options. We are happy to help you at anytime!
Driving instructions on a map here >>
Dear guest,
We would like to inform you that our cooperation with the Eskeli parking garage will end on April 30, 2025. After this, our hotel will no longer have parking spaces with a contract price in the garage. However, you can still park in the Eskeli parking garage until April 30, 2025.
Parking options after the cooperation ends
After the cooperation ends, you can use the parking garages near the hotel. Please note that our hotel does not have separate contract prices in these garages. Parking payment is made directly at the parking garage payment machine or via the mobile app.
P-Louhi Parking Lot
Address: Läntinen Pitkäkatu 12b.
• Distance from hotel: Approximately 500 m.
• Height restriction: 2.4 m.
• Charging facility: Yes, electric car charging points available.
• Entrance: Läntinen Pitkäkatu 12b (drive into the garage from Eerikinkatu or Brahenkatu)
• Price: Payment at the parking garage machine or via the parking app.
Turun Toriparkki
Address: Yliopistonkatu (under the Market Square)
• Distance from the hotel: Approximately 400 m
• Height restriction: 2.4 m
• Charging possibility: Yes, electric car charging points available
• Entrance: From Brahenkatu or Yliopistonkatu
• Price: Payment at the parking garage machine or via the parking app
Street parking
Location: There are several paid street parking spaces around the hotel.
• Payment method: Parking machine or parking app.
If you need more information about parking or help choosing a suitable option, we are happy to help!