Accessibility at Sokos Hotels

Accessible rooms can be found in Sokos Hotels all across Finland
Many basic accessibility aspects, such as special dimensioning solutions in hotel rooms, bathrooms and access openings, have already been part of the everyday life of Sokos Hotels for years.
All Sokos Hotels opened since 2018 have been designed in compliance with the hotel accessibility regulations in force at the time of construction. There are accessible rooms in all Sokos Hotels that were constructed at a time when specifications for accessible rooms were available.
Arranging meetings in a fully or partially accessible manner is possible in 41 of our hotels. There are accessible access routes for our meeting guests in most of our hotels. In addition to access openings, induction loops, non-flexible and hard flooring, suitable table height and access to the presenter area have been considered in the fully accessible meeting rooms. Accessibility is broadly considered in the development of Sokos Hotels from digital development to development of the customer experience and communications.
One of our more recent accessibility improvements is an improvement to the accessibility of our app, and with regard to the renewed online service, the EU accessibility standards, through which accessibility has been significantly improved, have been considered as requirements in the coming years.
We at Sokos Hotels have worked hard to improve accessibility, and plan to do much more. Accessibility is one of the long-term development projects of our hotels as part of the S Group sustainability programme – Together we will make a better place to live. The current status of accessibility in our hotels was surveyed in 2018 and 2019. A local council on disability assisted in the survey in the case of many of the hotels. This created the foundation needed for further accessibility development in Sokos Hotels. From the end of 2023 onwards, hotel operations will be improved through the chain's common accessibility criteria, which comprehensively consider all aspects of accessibility. . The hotels worked on these together with the Accessibility Centre. In addition to regulatory requirements, the criteria consisting of approximately a hundred points comprehensively cover accessibility aspects, such as sight, hearing, communication and electronic communications.
From 2020 onwards, the following accessibility measures have been taken
- The accessibility of the Sokos Hotels application was improved
- The website accessibility was improved
- Accessibility criteria are introduced in the chain as they guide both day-to-day operations and construction
- In November 2023, our hotel management and responsibility managers were trained in accessibility and the training will continue in early 2024.
In terms of the accessibility criteria
- We will audit our hotel properties based on the criteria. We will create accessibility levels so that our customers can more easily find a hotel to suit their needs. This information will be introduced as part of the online service.
- We will prepare a transparent schedule for the development actions required for the criteria.
- From 2023 onwards, we will invest especially in the training of our employees to even better serve our guests who require accessible services.
The development of accessibility is part of the responsibility efforts of Sokos Hotels
For 12 years in a row, Sokos Hotels has been selected as the most responsible hotel chain in Finland, and we wish to continue on this path. Sokos Hotels has also received the recognition of Finland's most reliable hotel chain for 13 consecutive years. All Sokos Hotels in Finland have been awarded the right to use the Green Key ecolabel as an indication of their work to promote sustainable tourism.
For the latest information on our hotels' accessible services, please contact our sales service. Hotel contact information is available here »