Where to use S-Card?

S-Card is a loyalty program for business traveller
S-Card is a loyalty program with which you can enjoy smooth transactions and substantial benefits on your business trips. The S-Card is accepted in all Sokos Hotels in Finland and Estonia, Radisson Blu and Radisson RED Helsinki hotels in Finland and hundreds of S Group restaurants.
Sokos Hotels
Different hotels for different needs. Original, Break, Solo and Heymo hotels always have suitable options for you whether you are on business or pleasure trip. As an S-Card customer, you can make use of benefits, a diverse range of services and a smooth customer experience. You can make use of your S-Card benefits not just with accommodation, but also with meeting and restaurant purchases, even if you are not accommodated with us.
You can find all Sokos Hotels here»
S Group restaurants
Eating out is good for you. You can make use of your S-Card loyalty membership at hundreds of S Group restaurants all over Finland. Our broad range of restaurants is sure to have delicious food and refreshing beverages suitable for your taste. You can even pay with S-Card meal benefits at ABC service station restaurants.
Read more and reserve a table here»
Note S-Card is not valid in Hesburger -restaurants and in some of our uniq restaurants.
In Finland Radisson Blu and Radisson RED Helsinki hotels
You can also use your S-Card loyalty program in all Radisson Blu Hotels in Finland and Radisson RED Helsinki. Collect and use your benefits for accommodation, meeting and restaurant purchases on both business and pleasure trips. We also offer exclusive hotel-specific benefits.
Find the hotels and benefits here»