The parking facilities for Break Sokos Hotel Flamingo are located in the covered parking hall of the Flamingo Entertainment Centre. Parking is free of charge for hotel guests.
Parking is available free of charge in the parking spaces reserved for the hotel and in the five-hour parking spaces reserved for meeting guests. Please register your car as soon as you arrive at the hotel.
The parking hall is located at Tasetie 8, Vantaa.
To register
When checking into the hotel, drive to the designated parking area and register your car at the hotel reception on the 1st floor. You can also check in at the Wing reception on the A2 level on Fridays and Saturdays from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Meeting guest parking
If you're attending a meeting, park your car in a five-hour parking space and register it using the automate at the meeting reception on the third floor. Your parking time is 12 hours.
Accessible parking
The Flamingo parking garage also has accessible parking spaces. On level A1, you will find 3 accessible parking spaces, and on A2, three more. The easiest access to the hotel is from these levels. Three accessible parking spaces are also available on the rooftop level A3. Level A1 is on the same level as the reception. There is an elevator connection to the reception from other levels on the A side.
Electric car charging
Flamingo Entertainment Centre also has four spaces reserved for charging electric cars. Charging stations are maintained by Vantaan Energia. Electric car charging spaces cannot be reserved in advance and are shared with other customers of Flamingo Entertainment Centre.
Directions to the charging stations: The charging stations are located on the right side of the second exit route (K2 level, two floors down from street level).
Charging is subject to a fee.